C/Utilities Toolchest
The C/Utilities Toolchest includes MS-DOS versions of over 40 UNIX®
operating system utilities and an MS-DOS version of the UNIX Bourne Shell. You
can use the utilities in whole or in part. Combined with the Bourne Shell,
these utilities turn MS- DOS into a powerful programming environment that has
the look and feel of a UNIX operating system. Since all MS-DOS commands and
programs work as usual, you enjoy the best of both operating systems. The
C/Utilities Toolchest contains three sets of tools.
- Text Processing Utilities
- File Management Utilities
- The Bourne Shell
The executable programs in all three sets are included with the C/Utilities
Toolchest. If you need to modify any of the programs, or if you simply want to
see how they're designed, you may optionally purchase the C source code. The
source code for each set is available separately.
Text Processing Utilities
The text processing utilities are programs that give you a
more advanced way to examine, manipulate, and print the contents of files.
- banner.......print text in large letters
- cat..........concatenate multiple files
- Comm.........process lines common to two files
- diff.........compare the contents of two files
- diffupdt.....update a file using diff output
- grep.........search files for string patterns
- head.........extract the beginning lines of
- more.........display text one screen at a time
- od...........show a file's data in octal,
decimal, or hex
- Pr...........format a text file for printing
- sed..........edit text via a command stream
- tail.........extract the ending lines of text
- tr...........translate or filter characters
- uniq.........report repeated lines of text
- wc...........count characters , words, and
File Management Utilities
The file management utilities are programs that provide you
with a more powerful wild-card capability for maintaining files and
- chmod........change file modes/attributes
- cp...........copy file(s) to another file or
- cpio.........archive/restore files and
- df...........report amount of free disk space
- du...........report amount of used disk space
- ls...........list file and directory
- mv...........move file(s) to another file or
- rm...........remove file(s) or whole
- split........split a file into two or more
- sum..........calculate a check sum for a file
- tee..........create multiple copies of a file
- touch........set the date ard time of a file
- udate........report/set the system date and
- ufind........find files based on specific
The Bourne Shell
The Bourne Shell is a more sophisticated command processor
that supports a full-featured language with For, Case, If-Then-Else, While,
Until, and over 25 other built-in commands. Also included are the following
related utilities.
- basename.....get the file name portion of a
- dirname......get the directory name portion of
a path
- expr.........calculate the value of an
- getopt.......get command-line options and
- logdir.......display the name of the home
- login........log in with your name and password
- news.........print news bulletins for each user
- passwd.......set passwords for each user
- pwd..........print the name of the working
- sh...........Bourne Shell
- test.........test for true or false conditions
- uxdosbuf.....keyboard buffer expander
- uxdosint.....keyboard device driver
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