[logo]Mix Software, Inc.

Since 1985, Mix Software has been developing and marketing low cost tools for C and C++ programmers. Many colleges and training companies have adopted our Power C compiler for teaching C programming classes. To date more than 130,000 copies of Power C have been distributed. For do-it-yourself training, we offer the comprehensive C and C++ Video Courses developed by Silicon River. We also offer several special purpose programming libraries that can be used with most C and C++ compilers. For example, our C/Database Toolchest provides extensive data management functions that can be used with various C and C++ compilers on four different platforms: DOS/Win16, Win32, OS/2, and Linux.

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Mix Software, Inc.
1203 Berkeley Dr
Richardson, TX 75081-5932
info@mixsoftware.com for general inquiries
orders@mixsoftware.com for order inquiries
support@mixsoftware.com for product technical support inquiries